Bristol Rovers Supporters Club
Income and Expenditure Account
Year ended 30th June 2018
. 2018 2017
. £ £
Profit on merchandising 16,746 18,182
50:50 draw 38,326 41,589
Lottery income 824 3,747
Profit on transport 5,617 15,230
Members’ subscriptions 16,469 17,113
Donations 121 149
Bank deposit interest (gross) – 9
Transfers from Share Purchase Scheme 30,800 11,880
Sub-totals 110,014 107,899
50:50 monies due to BRFC 38,326 41,589
Donations – other 15,465 6,612
Printing, stationery, postage and advertising 4,557 4,249
Light and heat 1,866 647
Rent 4,767 5,200
Rates and water 1,205 1,181
Repairs, maintenance and equipment hire 1,949 1,122
Computer and internet 1,046 650
Insurance 1,129 932
Telephone 2,376 1,798
Sundries 1,020 768
Bank charges 1,459 1,573
HMRC surcharges – 118
Accountancy 1,375 1,850
Professional fees 2,962 874
Wages, NIC and bookkeeping 60,018 34,380
Sponsorship 750 –
Shop management 200 –
Motor and travel 137 1
Depreciation 2,727 3,018
Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed assets 2,369 462
Loss on impairment review 25,440 19,928
Sub-totals 171,143 126,952
Net surplus (deficit) for the year (61,129) (19,053)
Corporation tax 2 (2)
Retained surplus (deficit) for the year (61,127) (19,055)
Bristol Rovers Supporters Club
Balance Sheet
30th June 2018
. 2018 2017
. £ £
Fixed Assets
Tangible fixed assets 10,437 11,732
Investments 48,800 47,840
Sub-totals 59,237 59,572
Current Assets
Stock 5,361 7,306
Debtors 18,100 23,197
Bank and cash 77,177 137,616
Sub-totals 100,638 168,119
Current liabilities
Creditors and accruals 68,787 75,476
Sub-totals 68,787 75,476
Net current assets 31,851 92,643
Net assets 91,088 152,215
Accumulated Fund
Balance brought forward 152,215 171,270
Net surplus (deficit) for the year (61,127) (19,055)
Balance carried forward 91,088 152,215