Attention programme collectors

Sep 3, 2020 | Fans, News

The new season is almost upon us and thoughts turn to programme collecting. At this stage it is unclear how many clubs will be printing programmes this season and it could be that a programme will only be available as a digital download or on-line read.
Bristol Rovers have announced a programme subscription service for Home programmes and this seems to be the best way to ensure you will get a copy of every programme. Details on how to subscribe, or to purchase individual copies, available on the club website
Away programmes are more problematic. Until now Phil Draper has operated a pre-order system and has purchased programmes for collectors at every game. It seems away fans will not be allowed this season so this will not be possible. Some clubs may produce paper programmes this season, some may not preferring to make digital copies availble online. It could be some clubs don’t produce one at all although it is an EFL requirement to do so under normal circumstances. Therefore the SC must leave it to individual collectors to source their away programmes this season by contacting each club direct. When we are allowed back into The Mem, there may be some back copies of programmes available, so call in at the SC shop in the car park.