Bristol Rovers Supporters Club Share Purchase Scheme
Income and Expenditure Account
Year ended 30th June 2021
2021 2020
Share scheme contributions received 19,933 23,179
Bank deposit interest (gross) – –
Sub-Totals 19,933 23,179
Bristol Rovers Supporters Club memberships 1,428 1,680
Accountancy 300 300
Transfers to Bristol Rovers Supporters Club 18,095 22,880
Bank charges/postage – –
Sub-Totals 19,823 24,860
Net surplus/(deficit) for the year 110 (1,681)
Bristol Rovers Supporters Club Share Purchase Scheme
Balance Sheet
30th June 2021
2021 2020
Fixed assets
Investments – –
Current Assets
Community Bank account 1,465 1,694
Sub-Totals 1,465 1,694
Current liabilities
Amounts due to Bristol Rovers Supporters Club 1,641 1,980
Creditors and accruals 300 300
Sub-Totals 1,941 2,280
Net current liabilities (476) (586)
Sub-Totals (476) (586)
Accumulated Fund
Balance brought forward (586) 1,095
Net surplus/(deficit) for the year 110 (1,681)
Balance/(Deficit) carried forward (476) (586)