DC to hold Q&A session at inaugural Blue Diamond lunch

Sep 13, 2017 | News

Darrell Clarke will have star billing when he joins a question and answer session at the inaugural Blue Diamond Club Luncheon to be held on Thursday 21st September at the Memorial Stadium. The whole event kicks off at 12 noon.

He will be joined by Rovers Chairman, Steve Hamer, and the Head of Bristol Rovers Community Trust, Adam Tutton, who will speak about the tremendous and rewarding work which is being performed in the locality by the Club.


The luncheon club, which will especially appeal to senior Bristol Rovers supporters, has been launched under the Blue Diamond banner. It will give fans the ideal opportunity to meet in convivial and like-minded company, and doubtless, regale each other with personal tales of games and players from yesteryear.

As the name implies, organisers will be reaching out to those Gasheads who have been supporting the Club for many, many, years.

“At the end of last season, we put out feelers amongst our older fans to gauge if there would be demand for such a club,” explains Roger Brinsford, one of the organisers, “and we had a very positive reaction and the promise of support.”


To kick-off the new campaign, lunches will be held at The Memorial Stadium on:-

Thursday 21st September 2017
Thursday 7th December 2017
Thursday 1st March 2018

The September three course lunch, priced at a very reasonable £18 per head, will commence with a reception at 12 noon.

Steve Hamer, an entertaining and humorous raconteur, has already been booked in for the Christmas function with all the usual traditional festivities.


Supporters will be encouraged to bring partners and guests to the functions. To ensure fans can sit together, why not reserve a whole table of 8 for you and your friends.

To secure your place at September’s lunch, call 0117 952 4020 or you can email catering@bristolrovers.co.uk


Roger is also looking for a couple more members to add to the organising committee. He would be particularly interested to hear from any supporter who is able to set up and maintain a website. He can be contacted by email – rogerbrinsford@bristolrovers.co.uk if you are interested in helping in this way.


The Blue Diamond Club will be a stand-alone support organisation of Bristol Rovers Football Club, which has the total goodwill and backing of the Board and Owners of the Club.

Steve Hamer, Rovers Chairman, spoke with the club’s website saying, “This is another exciting new venture which will, I am sure, bring more supporters into what I regard as the ‘family’ of Bristol Rovers. I’m really looking forward to meeting our fans at the lunch and, on behalf of the Board, I send my best wishes to all involved.”