Just An Opinion

Feb 26, 2017 | Fans, News


This message was forwarded to the supporters club early on Saturday evening.

It was sent by a supporter who wanted to communicate his “alternative views”.

We are happy to share the opinion of this supporter with the wider fan base.

Following a very encouraging performance against a good Scunthorpe side, I was astonished to hear some of the negative comments from supporters who contacted Geoff Twentyman’s show after the game.

Some bemoaning 5 successive draws, and even worse some really over-doing the criticism of Ellis Harrison. Yes – he made a mistake – but who hasn’t.  I am sure he will appreciate the comments of his manager who will only offer him encouragement.  With the help of the rest of a very united close knit squad he will quickly move on. The one thing which would make that much harder would be people getting on his back.

Supporters should remember how far we have come in the last couple of years, and Ellis has more than played his part on our road to redemption. I am more than happy to be in a mid-table position, looking up and not down. I am grateful for a nice smooth end of the season following all the emotions, both good and bad, of the last few years.

Five successive draws in tough fixtures, and through February unbeaten, (Bolton to come), is a commendable achievement and deserving of a pat on the back. Meanwhile, we should all get behind Ellis and the rest of squad. Let’s have our usual strong finish and I would love Ellis to score the winner at Bolton on Tuesday evening.

Up the Rovers !
