Share Scheme Members’ Plaque

Here, we present a list of people who have contributed to the Bristol Rovers Supporters Club Shareholding Scheme since its inception in 2003. We will regularly update this list with new members. Please also make us aware of any errors or omissions, which we will attend to on your behalf.

We would like to thank you all for ‘Making A Difference’ with your contribution to Bristol Rovers’ future. It has been especially hard to dig deep into your pockets when the team has been performing badly on the pitch. Yet your commitment to the club has helped enormously, and for that, all the board, management team, and players are extremely grateful.

John Adair Mark Adams
Judith Adams Wayne Aldom
S & J Aldom Paul Aldous
Wayne Allen Rodger Allen
Richard Allen Graham Allen
Stephen Amos Darren Amos
Malcolm Anders Joanna Anderson
Lorraine Andrews Zac Annear
Richard Aquilina Alisa Aquilina
Paul Armstrong Richard Arney
Simon Arnold Timothy Arthur
James Ashbee Paul Ashfield
Justine Ashley Edward Atkins
Benjamin Austin Paul Avent
Leigh Bacon Julian Bailey
Mel Baird Terence Bakehouse
Martin Bakehouse Stuart Baker
Sally Baker David Baker
Colin Baker Andrew Baker
Clay Baldwin Darren Bale
Peter Ball Michael Ball
Jerry Ball Gary Ball
Gareth Ball Clive Ball
Brian Ball Ron Ballanger
Jack Banks Mark Barnes
Leslie Barnes Sharon Barr
David Barrett Ray Bartholomew
Terry Bartlett Richard Batchelor
Peter Bateman Ronald Batt
Michael Batt Lesley Batt
Jonathan Batt David Batten
Robert Baxter Richard Bays
Ivor Beavis Michael Begley
Terence Belcher Peter Belcher
Martin Belcher Christopher Belcher
Thomas Beldham James Bell
Sandra Belsten David Belsten
Joan Bendall David J Bendall
John Bennett Ian Bennett
Gordon Bennett Christopher Bennett
Annette Bennett Alan Bennett
Lesley Berryman Keith Bessex
William Bethel Timothy Bevan
Peter Bickford Nicholas Biggs
Alan Bisp Mandy Bithel
Jason Blackmore Stephen Blackwell
Tim Blake Theresa Blake
Stephen Blake Lynn Blake
Daniel Blundell Alyson Blundell
Royston Bolitho Charles Booth
John Boucher Alan Boulton
Shane Bowden Andrew Brace
Nicholas Bracey Heather Bracey
Allan Bracey Stan Bradburn
Patrick Bradshaw Leonard Brain
Kevin Brain Ian Brain
Gerry Brain David Brain
Stephen Branigan Suzanne Brees
Michael Brees Seamus Brennan
Geoff Brett Robert Brice
Kelvin Brick Christopher Bridgeman
Philip Briggs Richard Bright
Anthony Brighton Mark Brimson
Roger Brinsford James Broe
Ian Bromage Keith Brookman
Jenny Brooks Daniel Brooks
Peter Broom Stuart Brough
Will Brown Simon Brown
Mervyn Brown James Brown
Eric Browne Bruce Brunning
Gordon Bryant Antony Bryant
Grant Buckley Mark Bulgin
David Bunker David Burgess
David Burke Ian Burnett
Stephen Burns Andrew Burns
Alistair Burns Martin Burt
Matthew Buss Maurice Bye
Nick Caddy Michael Caddy
Martin Caddy Daniel Caddy
Chris Calvert Glen Cambridge
Stephen Camfield David Camm
Nick Campbell Gary Cannard
Sam Cannock Richard Carasso
Michael Carnell Kenneth Carpenter
Peter Carter Michael Carter
David Carter Alan Carter
Sara Cater Stephen Chamberlain
Stuart Chaplin Roderick Chapman
John Chapman James Chapman
Jim Chappell Ian Chappell
Simon Charters Richard Cheek
David Chilvers James Chorley
Roger Clark Colin Clark
Billy Clark Andrew Clevely
Berni Clothier Richard Clutterbuck
Neil Cockram Ron Cocks
Lee Coggins Susan Cole
Richard Cole Peter Cole
Peter Cole Ian Cole
Gary Cole Andrew Cole
Adrian Coleman Richard Coles
Barrie Coles Stephen Collett
Paul Colley Leslie Collingbourne
Stephen Collings Tanya Collins
Richard Collins Peter Collins
John Collins Gary Compton
Merrick Concannon Mark Connolly
Renee Cook Lance Cook
Kevin Cook Eunice Cook
Anthony Cook Steve Coombs
Wayne Cooper Shaun Cooper
Roger Cooper Robert Cooper
Richard Cooper Mark Cooper
Fiona Cooper Paul Cornish
Calum Corstorphine Terry Cottrell
Mervyn Cottrell David Cottrell
Adrian Courtney-Smith Lee Cowan
John Cowle Steve Cox
Nigel Cox David Cox
Clive Cox Brian Cox
Richard Cozens Richard Crew
Darren Crew Michael Crooks
Jeremy Croucher Paul Cuff
Martin Cullen Herbert Cullen
Mark Curnock Lee Curtis
William Curwen Martin Cutler
Alan Dagger Ian Dando
Colin Date Simon Datment
Vernon Davey Maurice Davey
Jonathan Davey Joe David
Peter Davies Janet Davies
Ryan Davis Royston Davis
Ronald Davis Paul Davis
Martin Davis Lisa Davis
Keith Davis Ian Davis
Brian Davis Andy Davis
Barry Dawe Steve Day
Stephen Day Nick Day
Clive Day Simon Dayment
Peter De La Cour Andrew Deane
Frederick Demer Michael Demetriou
Iain Dennis Steven Derisz
Elaine Derisz Christine Derisz
Beverley Dewey Gary Dickson
John Diment Geoffrey Donaldson
Mark Dowden Dominic Doyle
Robert Drake Thomas Draper
Phil Draper Patrick Draper
Robert Drew Lionel Du-Val
Lionel Du-Val Stephen Duddridge
Rodney Duddridge Moira Duggan
Simon Duke Alan Duke
Steven Dunford Michael Dunford
Joan Dunford Geoff Dunford
Denis Dunford Kevin Dunn
Charles Dye Vincent Dyer
Paul Dyer John Dyer
James Dyke Mike Easton
Jack Easton Mollie Edmonds
Ian Edmonds Roger Edmondson
William Edwards Marie Edwards
John Edwards Richard Eggins
Anthony Elliott Anthony Elson
Robert Emery Bob Emery
Caroline England Stuart Englefield
Michael Ethridge Jamie Evans
Danny Evans Deborah Everhard
Alan Everitt  
Stephen Fall Bristol Fans Derby 2003
Brian Farley Geoffrey Farmer
Robert Farquhar Clive Farquhar
Maggie Farrell Stuart Fellows
Barry Feltham Brian Ferris
David Field Paul Finch
Ralph Fletcher David Fletcher
Alec Foord Simon Foote
Steven Forbes Paul Ford
Kevin Ford Gary Forder
Amanda Forder Steve Fortt
Michael Fortt Ian Foster
Jeffrey Fox Mike Freeman
Malcolm French Andrew French
Michael Froggart David Froggatt
Simon Fry Robert Fry
Pat Fry Leslie Fry
Tony Fryer Margaret Fudge
Andrew Furlong Charles Gale
The Galleon Club Paul Gatehouse
Nick Gazzard Luke Gazzard
Peter Gibson Alison Gibson
Andrew Gifford Paul Gilborson
Andrew Gilborson Philip Giles
John Gilham Alan Gill
Darren Gillard Ralph Gilling
Edward Gilson Philip Gingell
Jeremy Ginn Richard Goldring
Alan Goodenough Michael Goodfield
Ben Goodhind Paul Gorham
Aron Gough Simon Gould
John Gould Edd Gould
Colin Gould James Grady
Stephen Graham Steve Green
Robin Green Nigel Green
Douglas Green Bernard Green
Peter Greenslade Steven Gregory
Stella Grist Ian Groves
Sheila Gulwell Sean Gulwell
Derrick Gulwell Marcus Gutsell
Keith Gwinnell John Haddrell
Chris Haigh Nathan Hale
Roger Hall Richard Hall
Nigel Hall Iva James Hall
Dawn Hallett Andrew Hallett
Lisa Hamilton Laura Hamilton-Wilks
Robert Hammett Ian Hampton
Bernadette Hampton Louise Hapgood
Kevin Harbridge Andrew Harbridge
Paul Harding Terence Hares
Stephen Harris Robert Harris
Mark Harris Brian Harris
Alex Harris Fredrick Harrison
Simon Hartley Steve Harvey
Neil Harvey Andrew Harvey
John Hasell Roy Haskins
Lucy Hawkes Steven Hawkins
Catherine Hawkins Royston Haycock
Stephen Hayward Nigel Head
Simon Hedges Phillip Hedges
P Helps Steve Hendy
Saskia Hennecke David Hewett
Jack Hewitt John Hewlett
Graham Hibbard Michael Hibbs
Fiona Hibbs Stuart Hicks
Stephen Hicks Gordon Hicks
Ian Hieron Richard Higgins
Ian Higgins Alan Hiles
Richard Hill Martin Hill
Lee Hill Antony Hill
Martyn Hillier Phil Hills
James Hillyer Clive Hiscox
Derek Hobbs Kathleen Hodge
Clive Hodge Murray Holley
David Hook David Hooper
Paschal Hope Mike Hopkins
Terry Hopkins  
Elaine Hopper Benjamin Hopper
Alan Hopton Robert House
Glen Houston Dave Howe
Patricia Hudson Donald Hudson
Robert Huggins Shirley Hughes
Harold Hulbert Matthew Hunt
Jon Hunt Jeremy Hunt
Kevin Hurcombe Roger Hynam
Jamie Hynam Raymond Iles
Anthony Ireland Jeff Israel
Michael Jackson Myles Jacobs
Simon James Richard James
Phil James Owen James
Kenneth James Jennifer James
David James Kevin Jaques
Mike Jay Jack Jeanes
Dave Jeanes Steven Jefferies
Robert Jefferies Melvin Jefferies
Donna Jefferies Nick Jenkins
Mark Jenkins Julian Jenkins
Andrew Jenkins Glen Jennings
Rick Johansen Philip Johns
Neil Johnson David Johnson
Thomas Jolliffe Paul Jones
Linda Jones Kevin Jones
Jon Jones Alan Jones
Colin Julian Julian Kay
Michael Keeler Andrea Kelly
Robert Kempster Geoff Kendall
Heather King Ronald Kington
John Kittow Alice Knapman
Percy Knight Kevin Knight
Barry Knight Andrew Knight
Fred Knowlson Tim Kopsotsha
Richard Laasna Joseph Lally
David Lambert Mark Lampert
Nikki Langford Dave Langford
David Langley Darren Langley
David Larcombe Robert Laurence
Jonathan Lawrence Ian Laws
Clive Laybourn Nick Le Luan
Daniel Leaworthy Andrew Ledbury
Mark Lees Jane Leeworthy
Samantha LeFevre Matthew Lester
Keith Lester Janet Lester
Matthew Lewis James Lewis
Simon Linham Lewis Lintern
David Lippiatt Henry Livett-Fisher
Chris Lloyd Andrew Lloyd
David Loader Simon Lock
Philip Lock Ian Lock
Michael Lomax David Longman
Michael Loughlin Kellie Luke
Stephen Lywood Stuart MacAllister
Keith Mace  Maureen Mackenzie
Kevin Mackenzie David Mackenzie
Neil Mackie Andrew Macmillan
David Maddy Craig Maggs
Keith Mahoney Haroon Malkawi
John Malyckyj John Manley
Ailish Mann Donald Mann
Joan Mann Justine Mapstone
Derek Marks Stephen Marriage
Paul Marsden David Marsh
Kevin Marsh Paul Marson
Steve Martell David Martin
Geoff Martin Stephen Martin
Stuart Martin Simon Massey
Kenneth Masters Malcolm Mathieson
Paul Mattock Peter Mayhew
Brett Mccarragher David McFarland
William McGrath Andy Mckenzie
Darrin McQuaid John McQuaid
John McSherry Richard Merrick
Stanley Merrick Pete Messenger
Ian Metheringham Ross Michael
Colin Miles Christopher Mills
Douglas Milne Damian Missen
Peter Missen Brian Mitchell
Dicken Mitchell Jennifer Mitchell
Yvonne Mockridge John Moger
Andrew Molter Mike Monelle
Chris Monks Adrian Monnery
Edward Mooney Jody Moorcraft
Ryan Moore David Moore
John Morgan Ivor Morgan
David Morgan Brad Morgan
Kenneth Mortimore Andrew Moss
Richard Nasey Robert Needs
Allan Nelder Sue Neno
Mark Newman Andrew Nunn
Christopher Nutt Peter Nutt
Martin Ogden James Oliver
Tim Onslow Tim Ostler
James Ovens David Owen
Pete Owens Daniel Packer
James Packwood John Packwood
Paul Packwood Martin Painter
Marilyn Palmer Steven Palmer
John & Ann Paramore Zoe Paramore
Neil Parfrey Neil Parker
Nigel Parker Gary Parker
Adrian Parker Brian Parkin
David Parkinson Les Parnell
Anthony Parsons Simon Partridge
Ian Pascoe Derek Payne
David Payne Dennis Payter
Peter Pearce Kevin Pearce
Duncan Pearce Mr & Mrs S Pegler
Eric Pegram Mark Pellegrino
Peter John Penrose Ivy Laura Penrose
Roger Perkins Ashley Perry
Clive Petry Terence Phillips
Stuart Phillips Simon Phillips
James Phillips David Phillips
Paul Pickersgill Matt Pickersgill
Claire Pickersgill Anne Pickersgill
Geoff Pike Kevin Plenty
Timothy Pople Nicholas Potter
Stuart Pound Robert Pountney
Elizabeth Pountney Stephen Powell
Paul Powell Michael Powell
Jack Powell Nigel Pratt
Paul Prescott Chris Price
David Prideaux Timothy Priest
Emma Priest David Pritchard
Barry Probets Tony Pruett
Stephen Pugh Ian Pugh
Paul Pullen
Melvyn Quartley Mohammed Rahman
James Ramsay David Ramsay
Tim Randall Terry Rashleigh
Martin Read Gordon Read
Nicholas Rechter Kathrine Rechter
William Reed Micheal Reed
David Rees Adrian Rendall
Mark Revill Trevor Richards
Mark Richardson Geraldine Richmond
David Ring Robert Ritchie
Nigel Robbins Ian Robbins
Gavin Robbins Thomas Roberts
Stephan Roberts Nigel Roberts
James Roberts Keith Robertson
Paul Robinson Nicholas Rogers
Mike Rogers Michael Rogers
Gordon Rogers David Rogers
Simon Rouse Barry Rowe
Paul Rubel Paul Ryan
Padraig Ryan Mark Ryan
John Ryan Alan Sage
John Sampson Ian Sams
Kevin Sandall Ryan Sanderson
Mark Savery Kathrine Savery
Darren Saville James Scarratt
Robin-Mark Schols Gavin Scott
Martin Scott  
Oliver Scott Christopher Sealey
Bradley Seaman Colin Searle
Paul Seaton Erica Seddon
Alarm Services Robert Seymour
Anne Seymour Jon Shallis
Christopher Shallis Maggie Sharp
Katie Sharp Steve Shaughnessy
Amy Shaughnessy Ralph & Jean Shaw
Ian Shears David Shied
John Short Alan Shute
Mark Sibley Michael Simmons
Matt Sims Adam Sims
Stephen Skinner Myfanwy Skinner
Steve Slade Martin Slade
Carol Sloan Sammy Slocombe
Phillip Slocombe Kevin Slocombe
Roger Smallcombe John Smart
Brian Seymour Smith  
Tom Smith Robert Smith
Richard Smith Philip Smith
Michael Smith Martin Smith
Mark Smith John Smith
Jeffrey Smith Gordon Smith
Donna Smith Derrick Smith
David Smith Daniel Smith
Andrew Smith Alan Smith
Jon Snell Peter Snow
Simon Southgate Ray Spearing
Brian Spearing Kevin Spencer
Chris Spencer Michael Spiers
Philip Stagg Richard Stallard
Michael Stallard Jim Staynings
Robert Stephens Louise Stephens
John Stephens Thomas Stevenson
Alun Stewart Christopher Stickler
Martin Stinchcombe Roger Stoate
Nigel Stoate Katherine Stoate
James Stoate Darren Stobbs
John Stock Lorna Stokes
Laura Stuckey Kim Stuckey
Karen Studley Helen Styles
Kevin Sudlow Daniel Summers
Kevin Sweet Diane Sylvester
Robert Symons Stan Szur
Tom Tainton Stephen Tasker
Mark Tate Jeff Tavender
Thomas Taylor Stephen Taylor
Paul Taylor Gareth Taylor
David Taylor Barry Taylor
Nigel Tear Ruth Tempest
Ilse Temple Jon Templeton
A B Templeton John Tharme
Susan Thomas Steven Thomas
Paul Thomas Michael Thomas
Barry Thomas Alex Thomas
Adrian Thomas Jacquline Thompson
Margaret Thorne Richard Thorp
Stephen Thorpe Steve Tinson
Peter Tippett Steven Tovey
Jeremy Townend David Townsend
Leigh Trainer Edward Trevelyan
Valerie Trickey Lee Troy
Daniel Trumper Adam Tucker
Robert Tully Kevin Tully
Paul Turner Richard Turpin
Robert Tutty  
Nicholas Underhay Martin Underwood
Colin Veal Lee Wakeford
Gareth Walbyoff Ian Waldron
Christopher Walker Michael Walker
Nigel Walker Adrian Wall
Karen Wall Susan Wallace
Ben Wallington Michael Walls
Alan Walsh Timothy Walsh
Tony Walters Alan Ward
Alison Ward Gerald Warren
Christopher Warren Rachel Warren
Paul Wathern Simon Watkins
Jacqueline Watkins  John Watkins
Trevor Watkins  
Ian Watkins Christopher Watkins
Toni Watola Michael Watts
Julie Watts John Watts
Ivor Watts Ian Watts
Hazel Watts Adrian Watts
Giles Weait Nigel Weaver
Mark Weaver Joe Weaver
Benjamin Weaver Ronald Webb
Brian Webber John Weber
Tony Welling Jonathan Wells
Steven Western Philip Western
Jeff Wherlock Mandy White
Jeremy White Gary White
Gary White Roger Whiteman
Philip Whithey Karen Whitlow
Mathew Whittard John Whitting
Derek Whitting Mike Wichard
Helen Wigmore Rob Wilcox
Charles Wilcox Leslie Wilde
Lee Wilkins Michael Willett
Leslie Willett Susan Williams
Stuart Williams Keith Williams
Kathy Williams Kathleen Williams
John Williams Graham Williams
Gary Williams Andrew Williams
Paul Willis Sarah Willmott
Robert Willson Mark Wilson
Geoff Wilson Vyvyan Wiltshire
Paul Wiltshire Ben Wiltshire
Antony Wiltshire David Witchell
Paul Withey John Withey
Brendan Withey Adrian Withey
Kevin Wood J M Wood
Simon Woodham Peter Woodin
Derek Woodland Adrian Woodland
Steven Woods Paul Woodward
Clive Woodward David Wookey
Mr S Wooldridge Lisa Wooldridge
Janet Wooster Paul Wootten
Maria Worrall Kay Wozniak
Antonio Wozniak Nicholas Wrench
Simon Wright James Wright
Daniel Wright Martin Wring
Geoff Wyllie Peter & Andrew Yearsley
Martyn Yorke Terry Young
Carl Zalek  

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