I can’t believe how quickly time has flown. Already the season is nearing the end of its second month and every point is becoming vital. This afternoon, we welcome the directors, staff and supporters of Blackpool FC. Fingers crossed, we can put an end to the ‘Tangerine dream’ by collecting three more points today.
Without doubt, this football club is blessed with an exceptional loyal and massive fan base who follow our lads all over the country through thick and thin. Distance seems no object. Our club would be very much the poorer without you (and I’m not talking financially). For example, today we welcome Bernie Reid and all the folks who are flying down from Scotland. This includes bar owner Ian Gibson who had no choice but to be converted to The Gas. Bernie and Co are today’s official sponsor.
This is the second time they have sponsored a match as well as matchball sponsors. Absolute dedication and to them and to everyone who supports this club, thank you so much !
Bristol Rovers Supporters Club will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 19th October 2017 when I shall be standing down. It may come as a surprise, but it was six years ago at a similar AGM when I was kindly and honoured to be elected by you to represent you as one of our two Supporters Club Fans Directors on the board of Bristol Rovers FC. My intention was to stand for five years and then make way for someone else. However, with the changes which took place regarding the Football Club ownership, I decided to stay a year longer to try to offer stability. As the Football Club continues to move forward, I believe now is the time to step down. Both the Board of Bristol Rovers FC and the Executive of Bristol Rovers Supporters Club have been made fully aware of this decision.
As you will appreciate, holding a role such as this is not as straight forward as some might think. I accept that the Club at times has, for whatever reason, not always communicated as perhaps as well as it could. However, on the other hand sometimes there are extremely delicate situations when, as a board member, you are unable to provide supporters with as much information as you may wish. Anyone who may take on this role, and I wish them well, will face the same restrictions. Nevertheless, Ken and I have always tried to be as honest and open as we can within the boundaries of our positions. Many supporters contact me privately on twitter, by phone or email with problems regarding ticketing, family issues, facilities at the stadium and much more. I know Ken does the same and we try to solve these problems as we go along. Many of you will also be aware that I have always made myself available on matchdays to answer and deal with any concerns you and other supporters may have. These can often be resolved with an email or phone call or in some cases, by personal deputation. I shall continue to fulfil this role until the October AGM.
I would like to offer my thanks to you all for your support and friendship. That also goes to Ken and the current and previous Board of Directors at Bristol Rovers FC, who have and were always prepared to listen and act on my requests for help and kindness as and when required.
I would like to thank the Supporters Club and in particular, the Supporters Club Executive led by Jim Chappell, who together, have and continue to offer endless hours of voluntary work. This work is often unrecognised and without them and our band of dozens of dedicated volunteers in many other different roles at the Club, our Club would never operate.
My thanks to all the staff at Bristol Rovers FC who again, work far beyond the call of duty and without their support to my many requests for help and support, dozens of requests would not have come to fruition.
And finally, to you, our supporters. Without you there would be no Bristol Rovers FC. I would like to thank you for your kindness, friendship and understanding through what has been an honour through a very challenging period in the history of our club.
I have every intention of continuing my support. After all, I’ve been following the club for over fifty years. How could I do anything else?
Enjoy the game!
Yours in Friendship
Brian Seymour-Smith