Wycombe 50/50 details: Did you buy ticket no 003238

Jan 20, 2019 | 50:50, News

Yesterday’s top 50/50 prize of £900 was won by ticket numbered 003238, and was sold by Sue Dry at the Memorial Gates. This prize has yet to be claimed.

The second prize of £100 was won by Dave Harris from Brentry with ticket numbered 003421. Dave bought his ticket from Jackie Hawkins behind the Clubhouse.

The third prize of £50 was won by ticket numbered 095576, and was sold by Helen Wigmore in the Your Electrical Stand. This prize has also not been claimed but we have been contacted on Twitter by a possible winner.

Unclaimed prizes can be collected from our match-day cabin before or after any home game in the next six weeks, on production of the winning ticket of course.