President: Marquess of Worcester
Officers and Members of the Executive Committee
Chairman: Mr D Thomas
Vice Chairman: Mrs H Wigmore
Secretary: Mr K Brookman
Treasurer: Mr S Lamble
Supporters Directors to BRFC: Mr S Lamble, Mrs H Wigmore
Travel Organiser & Membership: Miss L Hawkins
Share Scheme Administrator: Mrs H Wigmore
Matchday Organiser: Mr J Howarth
Safeguarding Officer: Mr M Hudd
Social: Mrs J Wooster
Venue: The Bristol Room, The Memorial Stadium, Filton Avenue, Bristol, BS7 0BF
Date and time: Thursday, 2nd Novemeber 2023 at 7pm
- Election of 2 Tellers (if required)
- Adoption of minutes of preceding AGM
- Matters arising from Minutes of the preceding AGM (unless covered elsewhere)
- Questions and adoption of Chairman’s Report
- Questions and adoption of Financial Report
- Questions and adoption of Directors’ Report (not applicable)
- Election of Members to the Committee
- Amendment of Club Rules and Constitution (if any)
- To consider Membership Fee
- Any other Business
- Result of elections (if any)
- Close of AGM
Written reports can be downloaded here and paper copies can be obtained from BRSC, The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Horfield Bristol BS7 0BF. Please note that if you require copies sent to you in the post this will only be done upon receipt of a written request together with a Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope.
Appendix 1
In accordance with rule 5.3 the following posts were advertised. All these nominations have been checked and are in accordance with BRSC rules.
BRSC Safeguarding: Mr M Hudd
Committee Member: Mr J Rudman