Each season the club receives many hundreds of requests for signed merchandise or charitable support for worthwhile causes.
Unfortunately, we are unable to support all enquiries or requests for help, so we have created a policy to support two local charities alongside our own charity, Bristol Rovers Community Trust. Alongside a limited number of national charitable events that are predetermined by the club’s board.
Our commitment to supporting two local charities is for one season, from 4th August 2018 to 31st May 2019 and we are specifically looking to support charities in the Bristol/South Gloucestershire areas.
To register their interest in becoming a Bristol Rovers charity for the 2018/19 season, and to discover the benefits of being a charity partner of the football club, charity administrators are invited to request full details and an application form by clicking HERE.
Closing date for applications is midnight on 15th July and successful parties will be notified no later than 3rd August.
For further information please contact info@bristolrovers.co.uk.