Bristol Rovers Supporters Club 2018/19 Membership
Adults – £12.
Under 21 – £6.
65 & Over – £6.
Bristol Rovers Supporters Club is a strong, independent and influential organisation run by fans.
We operate many activities that elsewhere will be managed by the football club itself.
Our aim is to support Bristol Rovers FC, while ensuring we look after the interests of our members.
Our telephone number is 0117 9611 772.
An easy way to get in touch is:- CONTACT US HERE
We sell replica kit, leisure wear, souvenirs, away travel and match day programmes.
On match days run the 50/50 half time draw, selling tickets around the stadium, with half the money going to the lucky winner and the other half going towards agreed targets.
Supporters have enabled us to raise substantial funds for stadium improvements in the past, and in recent years we have been key financial supporters of the BRFC Youth Academy.
We sell the match day programme on behalf of the football club.
On matchdays, BRSC Committee members can be found working hard selling programmes and 50/50 tickets, running our match-day shop, and administering the 50/50 draw in readiness for a half-time announcement.
You can email us at
Join NOW and enjoy the following benefits.
You can vote in the elections for the BRSC Fans Directors on the BRFC Board. You can attend the Q & A events with key BRFC staff. You can stand for election for a key post yourself.
PRIORITY ON ALL TICKET MATCHES – You want to see the big games. It won’t prevent some queuing but the Bristol Rovers Supporters Club members have the chance to buy tickets before they go on general sale.
USE OF AWAY TRAVEL – A convenient and popular way to travel to see Rovers away matches. You travel more cheaply as a member when using the Supporters Club coaches.
ACCESS TO SUPPORTERS CLUB BAR – Use of Bristol Room match day bar at home games. Have a drink before and after the game. Watch highlights of the game while using the facilities at the Memorial Stadium.
RECEIVE NEWSLETTERS – Make sure that your email address is updated if you wish to receive any details or information such as the late Summer News Magazine.
The Executive Commitee of the Supporters Club are very aware that with the impending closure of our shop at 199 Two Mile Hill Road in Kingswood we need to give fans more reasons to join us. Expect to see more social events advertised on our website as and when they are agreed. We are always open to suggstions from our membership and if you have any suggestions please feel free to drop us a line at